Wine Club

Welcome to the herd restaurant
wine & supper club!
The gang at herd want you to enjoy the best of our selected wines, paired with some of the best food choices in the region. We’ve created this club to provide special access to interesting new wines, great pairings, and special attention during regular nights at herd restaurant.
The herd wine and supper club includes the following benefits:
-10% off any glass of wine
-15% off any bottle of wine
-10% off appetizers anytime in the restaurant or bar
-50% off corkage fees, if you’d like to bring your own
-10% off wine dinners and other special events (unless event is sponsored by third party)
-Monday “club” night when your bottle of wine comes with an appetizer
-Come as often as you like
-Bring friends, and they will enjoy the same benefits (parties up to four)
-Invitation to members-only events, tastings, and more!
Distinguish yourselves from the herd! Join the win & supper club today!
Wine and supper club membership is $55 for six months, $100 per year, and makes a great gift!
Applies to any dinner at herd restaurant, including bar and dining rooms.
No limit on bottles responsibly consumed in the restaurant.
herd is located at 200 main street, metro square middletown, ct;
860-346-herd or
herd is a partnership—chef dan, artist pat, laywer jon, & surgeon dave —
we want you to eat together!